Lovosice is a grammar school which provides a secondary education finished with a school-leaving exam. The school was founded in 1953. There are two lines of study - a four-year line and an eight-year line. In the school years there are cca 300 pupils altogether. The school rents its from the town Lovosice. There are 10 ordinary classrooms, 6 special classrooms, 2 laboratories, 1 small classroom for language lessons, a library with a small study, a gymnasium and a fitness studio. Physical education lessons can also be taught in the local town hall, stadium, swimming pool and sports hall.

Pupils study the following subjects: Czech, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History, Languages (English, German, French and Russian), Computer Science, Civics, Physical Education, Arts, Music. In addition to the curriculum activities pupils take part in different programmes:- an introductory trip for new students at the beginning of every school year a sports day (on the occasion of the Day of the Students 17 November) - a skiing course - a boating course theatre performances and exhibitions sports contests competitions in different school subjects - class excursions and trips at the end of every school year.

To improve language skills and to learn about other countries and their culture and history the school organizes exchange projects with schools in Germany (Wittenburg), France (Hazebrouck) and newly in Holland (Elburg). Other after school activities includes a course of pottery making, working on computers in the computer lab. The school choir, Laeta nota, which has already had a long tradition together with the group of teachers and students, In Flagranti, prepare nice Christmas and Easter programmes every year.

